Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

While the sunrise service at the Riekers lacked actual sunshine, it turned out to be a warm spring day.  Then, late afternoon, there was a brief rainstorm.  We decided to go up to the Crossing to see how much rain was able to get in the house, since only a few windows have been installed so far.  The house was in good shape, so we sat out on the terrace to wait for the sunset....

A couple of good cigars and a bottle of red....

the green of spring is everywhere evident...

shadows are lengthening....and then.....

Friday, March 22, 2013

River Cliff Place
The Crossing
     on Hearts Ledge

It's official.  Thanks to all the participants, we couldn't have done it without you, because without you it just wouldn't have much meaning.

Scenes from the naming contest party March 16, 2013:

On the tour, Christine, Matt, Cory, Patti, Wendy and Don

Must have sugar.......

All you Scallorns on the left, and you Wells boys on the right.

Sitting next to the fireplace with a little Coopers barbecue, Harry, Cory, Elissa, Cerise and Meredith

This is what happened to the furniture budget

I don't know Matt, with a little butter and garlic......

Martha and Richard at the game table, with ace framer Billy Birt on the Porch

Sandy, Patti, Rick and Wendy with Ginger, officially the first dog

Harry and Meredith go fly a kite

....more sugar.....

the big picture

yet another nice one

cruisin the terrace, Cerise, Elissa and Martha
All we need is a door!

Fossil hunters Harry and Meredith

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

another glass of red at sunset

view toward the breakfast notch and door to the garden

another west side story

east side showing the roof gutter

from the street at the entry drive

from the northwest corner


Mr. Birt walks the plank

looking back toward the kitchen

our canine friend Shadow standing by

the roof comes together

the first cigar....ahhh

men at work
top to bottom, Billy, Tim, Walter


Final Four stone selections-the ones in the shade don't show well, but they were too heavy to move..


Mr. Birt and his band of craftsmen are getting it all together.  By this Saturday, we expect to see the yard straightened up, all the roof deck on and a clean project for our announcement party on Saturday!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013. 
Progress was made today, the wind was light and the temperature pleasant.  Mr. Birt had a full crew today and they did some heavy lifting.

Standing at the island looking toward the bunkhouse.
 The overview
 The big picture
 On the terrace at the screen porch
 Sandy's office will have a roof too!
 The rain trough appears
 Halfway down the rear stair looking back
The west side story
 Patience is a virtue....
 See what I mean?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

This week's Red Letter Day was Thursday, February 28, 2013.  Little Noah Anthony Verrett was born in Houston, Texas.  The newest quail in the covey!  Congratulations to Laura, Daniel and big brother Jacob!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:
 ...from the bottom of the property.
 the framers are almost finished with the east wing, with the roof joists down on the north half, and the plywood sheathing almost complete. They will probably finish the south half of the roof on Monday, and then they will tackle the living areas where everything comes together.
 You can see the garage door openings far right.
 ...the viewpoint of the neighbor to the west.
...the Guadalupe Shimmer.  Beats the heck out of the Harlem Shake.