Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

another glass of red at sunset

view toward the breakfast notch and door to the garden

another west side story

east side showing the roof gutter

from the street at the entry drive

from the northwest corner


Mr. Birt walks the plank

looking back toward the kitchen

our canine friend Shadow standing by

the roof comes together

the first cigar....ahhh

men at work
top to bottom, Billy, Tim, Walter


Final Four stone selections-the ones in the shade don't show well, but they were too heavy to move..


Mr. Birt and his band of craftsmen are getting it all together.  By this Saturday, we expect to see the yard straightened up, all the roof deck on and a clean project for our announcement party on Saturday!


  1. Nacho House has a mistletoe infestation!

  2. Looking forward to our (virtual) tour tomorrow!! Wish we could be there in person!
